Wednesday, July 14, 2004

hum...a rest after blogwalking here and there ^^

hueheehe..abis blog walking..cape euy..*kya jalan2 ke mall aja * uh..tapi beneran cape loh, cape matanya maksud gue ^^ soale ada kali 2 jam-an gt non stop baca en liat kompie terus >.<
jalan2 hehehe...kya ke blognya hyde trus blognya iZ truz blogne si 1n3x en si dino dan blog2 anak2 neh ^^ btw yang berkunjung ke blog gue thanks uda berkunjung ^^ salam kenal...blogne keren2 euy tidur bentar lagi tapi mo post ini duluw...

eh tadi pas berkunjung ke blog 1n3x gue nemu link ini trus gue coba ^^ and the result :

You're not necessarily anti-social,
but you do tend to need a lot of alone time.
You tend to think before you talk,
which doesn't make you the loudest person in the room.
While you aren't outgoing,
you are a good listener -
and you tend to be a loyal friend.
And you enjoy your friends as much as any extrovert does,
in smaller doses.
You're more of a conversation over dinner type
than a party animal... and so are all your friends.

hum..bener ga yah kyanya rada bener seh tapi gue anti-social yah?? sejak kapan neh..gaswat tapi emang da mulae kayanya hikzz... mesti ditanggulangi neh...

oke yah..gue mo bobo dulu..nite all ^^

PS: Fany da balik jakarta toh met balik jakarta yah non

PS : doneeh da balik yah ^^ tadi sempet liat di beberapa blog ^^ turut senang euy...ternyata data shout box gue juga mase ada ^^