Thursday, October 20, 2005

Yes.. Finally

here with you boy

Wew...Finally i finished my drawing, i made it for about 3 work days in approximately, still not satisfy about the end result, because i became bored and think "jeez...i just wanna finish this" so i'll make a simple finish for every part except the face, of course :|

BTW the pictures i put here is not the full pictures, you can see the full pictures at bncc forum or at deviantart it's still an amateur work so pardon me :p and i'm very welcome if you put some comments and critique there :D

anyway i want the person who see this picture first is my boyfriend :D so i put some delayed before publish it...i want to have my first comment from him :) but Ops..i already post it to deviantArt already, but i guess i'm still an underdog so not many people will come to my page and see my drawings ;) so that's ok :D hehhe...

oke enough with the english stuff i wanna used my own language now, i used this because after one time using it i can't stop me from using this language hehe...

Balik ke bahasa indo lagi dah :D

btw kemaren tanggal 18 oktober Yanli ultah, duh senangny diselamatin ama orang2 kantor :) *asik tadi dogy uda OL :D uda kasi liat gambarny...* tanggal 19 kemaren si jeffry ultah..wah makan2 trus :) gmn gue ga tambah ndut neh...

well eniwey, bentar lagi libur lebaran :| gue masi ga tau mao kemana...dogy pulang kampung, jadi dah gue ngabisin libur lebaran sendirian hikz....ngapain yah...mao hunting...susah transport juga...argh...mana si cunz ngajak ke pangrango lage...jadi pengen :.(

bingung juga ngapain yah dolo deh ;)